Intellectual Property Resources

IP Insurance Process Overview

Learn more about IPISC’s process to get you the right solution and get you on the right path to protection your intellectual property.

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Articles & Guides

Read more about the recent developments in the world of intellectual property insurance, and its impact upon people looking to pioneer new technology.

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Intellectual Property Insurance Demystified

Intellectual property insurance can be easily complicated due to varying legal terms, proceedings and policies. Read more here as IPISC aims to simply the complicated industry and allow growing companies to understand the value of patent protection insurance upon their company.
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IP Insurance Key Terms & Concepts

The legal field is riddled with complicated terminology and industry concepts making it difficult to understand the extent and scope of legal services. IPISC’s manual helps explain the key concepts and terms within the industry to help companies make sense of services.

Premium Estimate Request Form

Request an estimate by clicking below and filling out the form to allow IPISC to learn more about your specific insurance needs and how to customize your intellectual property solution.

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Case Studies

IPISC has developed various case studies showcasing the value through comprehensive patent protection insurances and its importance in maintaining a sustainable competitive advantage.

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